About NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback

NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology designed to train the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather a training for the brain. It is diagnostically agnostic. It is designed to work with the individual brain and does not attempt to fix predetermined conditions. Thus, it can be used to address a wide range of complaints without specifically targeting them for training.

NeurOptimal is a computer software program that reminds the brain to self-regulate. Electrical information read through sensors on the scalp is amplified and analyzed by the software while the user listens to music. The NeurOptimal software creates an interruption in the music anytime it detects a difference in the electrical signal in terms of duration, intensity, frequency, or shift (the DIFS). The brain interprets these slight interruptions (which sound like static) as a notification that something changed and the brain adjusts to that information.

NeurOptimal is non-invasive and extremely safe. Nothing is put into the brain (no electricity, no strong frequency or vibration, no light or sound). The NeurOptimal system does not force or push the brain in any one direction. The system provides the brain with the information that it needs to correct itself and function optimally.

NeurOptimal requires no effort on the user’s part. Unlike other types of neurofeedback, the user does not have to interact with the NeurOptimal system by playing games or solving puzzles during training. The user can simply relax during the sessions.

Common changes that occur with NeurOptimal (NO) brain training:

Sleep: feeling more rested, sleeping through the night, and waking feeling refreshed

Mood: feeling more content, more calm and happier, more internally balanced, and less restless or frustrated

Cognition: feeling more focused and less distracted, and having a better memory

Energy: feeling more energetic and less tired

For more Information:

NeurOptimal Website: https://neuroptimal.com/

Video: NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Introduction Part 1 (Lake Erie Brain Performance Institute):


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